The Day Goddard Dreamed of Taking a Rocket to Mars

This day in 1899 was the key date in the life of our country's most celebrated rocket scientist.
I don't tend to believe most origin stories about how people came to do their life's work, but I love this one about Robert Goddard, the father of American rocketry, anyway. As told by Goddard Space Center science writer, Daniel Pendick, it was on this day in 1899 (!) that the scientist first decided that he wanted to "fly without wings" to Mars. He climbed up a cherry tree to do some pruning and had a vision of his/the future. 

The Day Goddard Dreamed of Taking a Rocket to Mars The Day Goddard Dreamed of Taking a Rocket to Mars Reviewed by kensunm on 9:26 AM Rating: 5

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